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A Review Of The Minimum Viable Product Approach

A minimum viable product has just enough core features to effectively deploy the product, and no more. This strategy targets avoiding building products that customers do not want and seek to maximize information about the customer with the least money spent. Thus it can be said that utilizing an MVP would illuminate a prospective entrepreneur on the market demand for their products. The Minimum (or Most) Viable Product (MVP), as defined by Eric Ries, is a version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. It’s a strategy to avoid developing products that our clients do not need or want by maximizing our learning of what is truly valuable to the client.

After an MVP is launched, these hypotheses about the target segment and market need can actually be validated. Product managers can get invaluable insight from customer feedback and usage metrics to help them determine next steps for the product strategy. A minimum viable product, when launched into the market, can help CEOs and product managers gauge the appeal of the product among its user base. An MVP provides a specific value to users, which then makes it saleable and helps CEOs test their assumptions of the product’s usability and demand in the market. To explain this further, let’s say we have a product that was built from scratch with many features that consumed a lot of time, effort, and money.

An overview of product distribution channels

There is a lot of strategy involved that’s necessary to make it a worthwhile exercise. A minimum viable product (MVP) can be a useful step in product development and a powerful tool for businesses to leverage. Once you’ve pinpointed your audience’s needs and picked a concept with potential, make a product with core features. Promptly release it to your audience despite its imperfections.

The concept of MVP has, in fact, been widely adopted by many verticals in the informatics industry. For example, many video games today spend many months (sometimes years) as early access products and are slowly developed as the community grows. In 1999, Nick Swinmurn felt there might be a potential for selling shoes online.

What is a minimum viable product (MVP) and how do you define it?

When Mike Lingle, Founder and CEO of Rocket Pro Forma, interviewed his customers, he realized it helped him adjust quickly. Sure, listing your MVP product on sites like Haul Drop or promoting it on Kickstarter and your favorite social network channels might get you initial traction. Every day, hundreds of entrepreneurs launch their MVP projects in hopes of becoming an overnight success. When John Croyle, Founder of W-9 Form Manager, created his website, he ended up creating a less-than-intuitive experience.

It is also not wise because your time and effort can go to waste if the idea is unsuccessful. Let’s take a look at some well-known examples of products that started as minimum viable products (MVPs) in the technology world and then expanded into fully scaled products. An MVP consists of basic features that can provide value to the user. This approach enables developers most viable product meaning to hyper-focus on only these minimal, key features, which leads to higher-quality results and a better user experience. So, MMP brings together minimum viable and loveable products. Starting with an MMP implies that you’ve already established your target users and market and you have a solid understanding of the problem you’re trying to solve with a product.

Use email marketing to promote your MVP

This enables product managers to introduce the product to market much earlier and test whether the core features are actually meeting the market need. Business owners may want to consider minimum viable products when evaluating product growth strategies. With this approach, you can test the idea and receive customer feedback on the product or service as is. From there, you can decide whether it’s worthwhile to make improvements upon and produce for the public.

most viable product meaning

By clicking submit above, you consent to JHU sharing the information provided in this form with Bloomberg Philanthropies who funds this site. So, what’s a minimal viable product and how can city leaders use them? Bloomberg Cities breaks it all down here in our latest explainer.

Acceptance Testing

When agile product teams incorporate MVPs into product roadmaps, they can minimize risk, quickly adapt to changes or demand, and build a product informed by customers. An MVP and agile product development go hand-in-hand as they focus on validating and improving products based on constant user feedback. Before weighing which features to build, the first step in developing your MVP is to make sure the product will align with your team’s or your company’s strategic goals. How do you develop a minimum viable product, and how will your team know when you have an MVP ready for launch? The primary benefit of an MVP is you can gain an understanding of your customer’s interest in your product without fully developing the product.

  • So, they wondered if there was a market for people who wanted to rent their homes.
  • Revisit your business model canvas frequently as you build and market your MVP.
  • In botany, a seed or spore that is viable is one that can germinate.
  • In all cases, it is a tangible, lean version of your product that meets the outcomes you have defined.
  • A minimum viable product, or MVP, is a product with enough features to attract early-adopter customers and validate a product idea early in the product development cycle.

World-famous Uber, Dropbox, Figma and Slack started their way to unicorn status with MVPs. With customer feedback, your business can cater future versions of the product to them, making it more likely to be successful. Through direct user feedback, the product development team can tell if people like the product or not.

Examples of minimum viable product

His minimum viable product definition emphasizes the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the minimum effort. However, by using the minimum viable product approach, you can prosper. By validating and learning about your target customers with the least amount of effort, you create a product roadmap and avoid problems from the start. Releasing and assessing the impact of a minimum viable product is a market testing strategy that is used to screen product ideas soon after their generation.

most viable product meaning

Since the effort involved is minimal and focused only on core features, the risk involved in launching an MVP is fairly low. By focusing on core features, product development teams can fail and learn from that failure more quickly, thereby reducing the risk. He also pioneered the concept of “build-measure-learn” – let’s have a look at all of this in more detail. An MVP is the most basic version of a product and allows the team to validate the user flow and adoption of core features. By analyzing the user journey, product managers and designers can determine whether the features are being used as expected and, if necessary, establish a scope for improvement to make the user experience smoother.


An MVP is the best way to showcase the brilliance of your idea and the market demand for it. With an MVP, investors can see your product in action, and hence it would be easier to convince them that your product will be a success. Now that we understand what an MVP is and have seen some examples, let’s look at how to create one. Once you have set objectives, it’s time to define the user journeys, target segments, user personas, and their actions and then work toward identifying their pain points. The whole point of using a minimal viable product is to learn, and to do it quickly without spending much money.


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